< Back Main Campaigns Article Manipulation Multiple Site URLs Print PostedAugust 10, 2023 UpdatedMarch 25, 2025 ByTSDadmin It is very much similar to Keyword Link Replacer. You can set outbound links of high authority websites to help increase authority of your site. Let’s see how it works. The difference between keyword link replacer and Multiple Site URLS is only in the link placement, all other functions are similar. There is an input field for the list of URLs. You can enter multiple URLs of Multiple sites of your choice. The URLs would be used randomly to create outbound links. The URLs must have http:// or https:// prefix. Replace New Keyword You need to hit the ‘Replace New Keyword’ button at the top right corner. You will see following input fields- Keyword to Replace The keyword you want to replace will be entered in this box ( KW to be replaced) Articles Before You can select a date from the calendar and the articles before that date would become eligible for this campaign. Description You can enter any text that best describes this campaign. For example- Start Date- 20 Oct 2022, Total KWs to be replaced- 89, Total number of days this campaign would be running after the start- 14, Categories selected- Cat1 Cat2 Cat5, Cat9. Multiple URLs You need to enter the URL to be used as a link in the text box. The URL must contain ’https://‘ prefix. You can enter multiple URLs, each in new line. Replace keyword as anchor to URL If you want to make the selected keyword an anchor then enable the tick in the checkbox. If this option is not enabled then the keyword link replacer will replace the keyword with the naked URL provided in the above field. Filter Count This is the total number of occurrences in all the articles selected for this campaign. This number will be divided by the number of days of the campaign. And, the number for each day will be divided by the number of articles on the basis of remainder and quotient approach. This approach helps you cover all the articles daily for replacements. Spread across number of days The campaign will run for the number of days entered here. The number of filter-counts would be spread into the days. Start date You can set today or any future date for starting the campaign. Select Category All your categories for the site are listed here. You can select multiple categories in the list using ⌘+Click(Mac) and Ctrl+Click(Windows). You may encounter a pop up saying ‘No posts found….’, this pops up because the keyword you want to replace has not been found in any post of the selected category. Select Posts When you select the categories as mentioned in the above point, the list of all the articles of all the categories selected above would appear. You can select all the articles with ⌘+A(Mac) or Ctrl+A(Windows) OR select some of them using ⌘+Click(Mac) and Ctrl+Click(Windows). Post Now This function allows you to start making changes immediately. The ‘Spread across no. of days’ and ‘Start Date’ will be disabled as soon as you enable the ‘Post Now’ function. If you enable this function, your campaign will not be scheduled and all the Keyword replacements will be done immediately.