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Subscribing to RSS feeds is an efficient way to source content for your news site from various sources. You can leverage the RSS feed of a website that publicly provides this option to fetch and automatically post content to your site.

With the Turbo Subdomains RSS campaigns, you can use RSS feed URLs or databases to create and post articles to your site.


RSS Campaigns


Add New Campaign

To add a new campaign, click the ‘Create New Campaign’ button. You’ll be presented with several options, detailed below:


RSS Campaigns-Add New

Search RSS Source Database

Enable this option to fetch RSS posts from a database of listed sites. You can then select a source from a dropdown menu.




When the RSS Source Database option is not enabled, feed URL is the default option to enter the RSS Feed URL of any site that provides feed.


Post Status

You can set the status of the post when it is added to WordPress.


Search RSS by Keyword

The plugin will search the keywords provided here in the given RSS feed. Then, if it finds the articles, articles get posted into your site.


Image Search by Keyword

This option is for adding images in the posts. You need to provide keywords for image search. These images are fetched from pixabay.


Select Category to add Posts

You can select any category/subdomain that you have created already through WP categories or subdomain settings.


Rewrite using AI

This option is available only if you have enabled OpenAI in feed settings. This option allows you to rewrite the fetched article using AI. You need to select a prompt set for this function to work.


Select Prompt set

If have enabled the above function to rewrite the article using AI, then select a prompt set from the drop-down menu. The default prompt set is already selected, but if have your own prompt set then you can choose it from here. More information on prompt sets can be found on AI Settings page.


Complete changes by Date

This option is to set the end date for the campaign. The campaign will end on this date.


You need to hit the save button after making changes. Now your RSS campaign will be listed in the RSS campaigns’ dashboard.



Import Campaigns

You can create NewsAPI campaign in bulk using this function. You just need to upload a CSV file containing the ready data to create the campaigns.


Import RSS Campaigns


Just download the template from the link, provided in the upload CSV section in NewAPI Campaigns, and fill the data into the CSV.
There are a number of columns in the CSV that are used to create the categories successfully.

Let’s see what each column means-

Column A


This column is where you input the name of each campaign. Each row should have a unique campaign name, and each campaign will create a new entry on your site. If you are creating multiple campaigns, ensure each campaign name is distinct. For example, if you’re posting news articles, you might have campaign names like “TechNewsCampaign” or “HealthUpdates.”


Column B


In this column, you must provide the unique ID of the category or subdomain where the campaign’s posts will be published. These IDs can be found in the WordPress Subdomain Settings under ‘Manage Categories/Subdomains.’ Each post will be published under the category specified by this ID. Ensure that the category ID corresponds correctly to the intended section of your site.


Column C


This column indicates whether the plugin should automatically create an RSS feed for this campaign.

Enter ‘y’ if you want the system to auto-generate an RSS feed URL using Bing News based on keywords or categories. When ‘y’ is selected, the system will rely on data entered in Columns E (Category) and F (Keywords) to create the feed URL.

Enter ‘n’ if you prefer to use a custom RSS feed URL, in which case you will need to provide the URL in Column D.



Column D


If ‘n’ was entered in Column C, this column is where you must input the custom RSS feed URL. This feed URL will be used to pull articles for the campaign. Make sure the URL you provide is valid and publicly accessible. If Column C contains ‘y’, this column will be ignored.

Column E


This column specifies whether the campaign should use the category name (from Column A) as the basis for the RSS feed search query.

Enter ‘y’ if you want the category name to be used as the keyword for generating the RSS feed URL.

Enter ‘n’ if you do not want the category name to be used, in which case the plugin will instead use the keyword(s) you provide in Column F.

Column F


If ‘n’ was selected in Column E, this column is used to enter a keyword or a phrase to generate the RSS feed URL. The plugin will use this keyword to search and pull relevant articles from the feed source. The keyword should be relevant to the content you want to fetch (e.g., “technology trends” or “health news”).

Column G


This is a mandatory column, regardless of whether the feed URL is generated automatically or entered manually. Here, you provide a keyword or phrase that the plugin will use to filter articles from the selected RSS feed. For example, if you are targeting news about “artificial intelligence,” you would enter that as the keyword. The plugin will then post only those articles that match the search criteria in the RSS feed.

Column H


In this column, specify whether the plugin should search for images using a custom keyword or the category name.

Enter ‘y’ if you want to provide specific keywords to search for images. You will need to enter the custom keyword(s) in Column I.

Enter ‘n’ if you want the plugin to use the campaign name or category name from Column A to search for images. If you select ‘n’, you can leave Column I blank.

Column I


If you entered ‘y’ in Column H, this is where you provide custom keywords to search for images. You can enter multiple keywords, separated by a pipe symbol (|), to improve the relevance of the images fetched (e.g., “AI|robots|technology”). These images will be pulled from sources like Pixabay or Unsplash. If you entered ‘n’ in Column H, this column can be left blank.


Column J


This column allows you to set an optional end date for the campaign. If you enter a date (in the format-MM/DD/YYYY), the campaign will automatically stop fetching new posts after this date. If no end date is required, you can leave this column blank, and the campaign will continue indefinitely.


Column K


This column is used to define which AI prompt set should be used to rewrite the fetched content. If you don’t have a custom prompt set, you can simply enter ‘Default Set.’ If you have created custom prompts in the AI settings (under “Rewrite Content” sets), enter the exact name of the custom prompt here. 

Note: It is recommended to double check the prompt set name you enter into this cell, because if you enter a  prompt set name other than the ‘Rewrite Content’ would lead to ‘prompt set not available’ error

Column L


In this column, specify the AI provider you wish to use for rewriting the articles. The name should correspond to one of the available AI providers in your system. The default AI provider is TurboAI, but you can choose another if you have other providers integrated. Enter the name exactly as it appears in your settings to avoid any errors in processing.

Column M


This column is where you enter the name of the AI model you wish to use for rewriting. Similar to the AI provider, the model name must be entered exactly as it appears in your system. The default model is wizardlm2, but if you’re using another model, make sure to type it correctly. Any discrepancies in the model name will cause the campaign to fail.

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