< Back Main Settings General Settings Subdomain Settings Print PostedAugust 10, 2023 UpdatedDecember 2, 2024 ByTSDadmin This is the space where you can create and manage subdomains/categories and default pages. General This section has the settings to create AI generated default pages for the subdomains. The default pages include- About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and, Cookie Policy. These default pages would be accessible from the subdomain navigation menu. When you create default pages, a navigation menu will be added to the subdomain home page automatically. Important: You need to setup a primary menu before using the default pages function. A missing primary menu may lead to unwanted pages in the navigation menu of a subdomain. The very first option allows you to enable or disable the default pages. This setting applies from the date when you make changes to this setting. The subdomains created earlier would have no effect on this setting. Choosing ‘Yes’ in the first option enables the default pages function, and will show you the option to select a prompt set for default pages. Just select the prompt set for default pages, and you are good to create these page automatically using AI. These default pages include- Subdomain Home page About Us page Contact Us page Privacy Policy page Terms of Service page, and Cookie Policy page There is a default prompt set, but if you want to use your own set, go to the AI Settings page and create a new set for default pages. More information on creating a new set is given in the AI settings. Default Pages You can manage the default pages using this function. Just select the Subdomain from the drop-down, and you will see the pages’ list below it. You can edit the pages using the ‘Edit’ action button. If the selected subdomain does not have a page created, you will see an ‘Add’ button for the page. It will quickly create the page using the selected prompt for that page. If you want to edit a page, you can use the ‘Edit’ button for that page, It will lead you to default WordPress page editor. You can make the desired changes and save the page. If there are no pages created for the selected subdomain, you will see a ‘Add Default Pages’ button. Clicking the button will quickly create default pages for the selected subdomain. You can also manage the default pages using the default WordPress page manager. The subdomain default pages are there along with the Subdomain Name tag. So it is very easy to identify the different pages of different subdomains. Note: If you see the warning- ‘Seems like your site does not created primary menu yet. Please create primary menu to create default pages smoothly’, you need to set up the primary menu first, so that all your default pages are created with AI content successfully without any issues. To set up the primary menu, you can follow these steps- Go to- WordPress Appearance> Menus Select a menu to edit, carefully choose – ‘Primary Menu’ from the drop-down list. Select the main domain pages(those having no subdomain name tags) from the ‘Add menu items’, and click the ‘Add to Menu’ button. In menu structure, check the ‘Main Menu’ box, and hit ‘Save Menu’ button. Now you are good to create default pages flawlessly. Add new category This section is for creating a category. You can set the name, parent category, slug, description and category content. You can also add any scripts like-schema, analytics, etc. into header and footer as per your preference. If you want to create a subdomain, then you need to enable the ‘Make Subdomain’ option. You get the flexibility for creating category only or category as subdomain. It helps you create a mix of categories and subdomains for the site. If you want to create a user for this subdomain, then you need to enable the ‘Create user’ option and select the required option for username. Upload categories Important: Before uploading the CSV, you need to setup the default pages setting first. The unsaved default pages settings may lead to missing default pages for the subdomains. Turbo Subdomains allows you to add multiple categories at once using a CSV file. This is quite helpful when you need to create categories or subdomains in bulk. Just download the template from the link, provided in the upload category section in subdomain settings, and fill the data into the CSV. There are a number of columns in the CSV that are used to create the categories successfully. Let’s see what each column means- Column A categoryName This column is for Category names. You need to enter one category name in one cell in this column. So you will have ‘x’ number of rows for ‘x’ number of categories. Column B isSubdomainByCategoryName(y/n) If you want to create only the category, not the subdomain, this column should be filled with ‘n’. It will not add CNAME in the cloudflare. But, if you want the category as Subdomain, you need to enter ‘y’ here. It will add a CNAME for this category in the cloudflare, and this category will become a subdomain. Column C userByCategoryName(y/n) The user creation depends on the data filled in the Column C, D, and, E. In the Column C, you can fill ‘y’, ‘n’ , or leave it blank. Following are the conditions and results of filling data in these columns. Column C Column D Column E Result userByCategoryName categoryUsername categoryPassword BLANK BLANK BLANK NO user n BLANK BLANK NO user BLANK data data User by column D n data data User by column D y BLANK BLANK User by column A y data data User by column A Column D categoryUsername If you don’t want a username same as the Category name, you can enter a custom username in this column. Column E categoryPassword If you have entered the custom username in column D, then column E becomes mandatory to fill. You need to enter a password for the user in this column. Column F campaignName You can name your campaigns in the CSV using this column. This field is mandatory, so leaving this empty will not create the category as well as campaign. Column G totalPost This is the total number of posts you want this campaign to generate in a time period of x days mentioned in column ‘H’ Column H spreadArticleInDays This number defines how many days this campaign will run. The number of posts mentioned in column ‘G’ will be spread in the time period. For Example- if you want 30 posts to be generated in 15 days, you will need to enter ‘30’ in column G, and ‘15’ in column H. The scheduler will then generate 2 posts each day for 15 days. Column I postNow(y/n) This is a yes/no column. If you want to generate posts of the first day quota immediately, you need to enter ‘y’ in this column, else ’n’. It directs the scheduler to start the campaign as soon as you upload the CSV file Column J startDate(mm/dd/yyyy) This is the start date of the campaign. If you need a campaign to start on a specific date in the future, you can enter that date here. The scheduler will not run the campaign until the entered date. Note: You set a start date as today or any future date, but not a date from the past Column K promptSet This column is to provide the set name. You can use the name ‘Default Set’ in this column, if you do not have any custom sets created. To create your own set, go to the AI Settings and create a new prompt set under ‘New AI Content’ sets. For more info on creating new prompt sets, please visit